The integration between Sky Pilot and Klaviyo provides a powerful tool to improve your digital product sales and delivery. We also integrate with Mailchimp, read more about that here.
The integration includes two key pieces of data:
1) Product tags to track when customers make an order that includes a digital item (at product or variant level)
2) Events to track when customers have downloaded or viewed their digital item 'order_delivered'
This will allow you to create specific campaigns to notify customers when they have made an order and to remind them to view their content.
To set up the integration follow these steps:
1. Find your Private API Key in Klaviyo
a) Go to Account > Settings > API Keys and 'Create Private Key'
b) Select 'Full Access Key'
c) Copy the Private API Key that is generated so you can paste it into Sky Pilot
2. Connect Klaviyo in Sky Pilot
a) Go to Integrations
b) Insert your Private API Key
c) Allow Sky Pilot to tag your products so you can identify whether the order includes a digital item so you can include a link to access the digital products
3. Disable Sky Pilot emails
a) Go to Email settings
b) Uncheck "Notify Customers of digital content via email" and click ‘’Save’’
4. Add a download link to your Klaviyo emails
a) Add this code to allow customers to access their order
{% assign with_digital_files = false %}
{% for line_item in line_items %}
{% assign variant = line_item.variant %}
{% assign product = variant.product %}
{% assign variant_tag = "variant-<variant-id>-has-digital-downloads" | replace: "<variant-id>", %}
{% if product.tags contains variant_tag %}
{% assign with_digital_files = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if with_digital_files %}
<a href="http://{{shop.domain}}/apps/downloads/orders/view/{{email}}/{{id}}" class="btn">
Download My Purchases
{% endif %}